GRACE CARE Foundation
Grace Care foundation is the charity relief wing of the ministry. The revelation is based on Mathew 25:31-46. The Lord has commissioned DG SEO MINISTRIES to give meat to the hungred, drink to the thirsty, take the strangers in by providing shelters and homes, cloth the naked, visit the sick, poor and needy, go to prisons preach the gospel to them, give them food and necessities.
The foundation is objective is to promote the word of God, as well as to foffer help to deprived people and further, everything directly or indirectly connected wit hor conducive to the foregoing, all this in the broadsest sense.
Once again with more emphasis; The foundation endeavours to realise its objects by, amongst other things preaching the word of God, visit sick and needy persons in nursery homes and hospitals, visit prisonsers in prisons and giving them a chance to accept Christ and to give food and shelter to widows and orphans.
That is Grace Care foundation. We care for our fellow men. It is not only preaching the Gospel but also being a light of the world by giving, walking in Love and bringing Jesus onward and forward to all nations. This is our mission this is our goal that people will taste this sweet gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
To him alone be glory, majesty and honour. Amen.