Accept Jesus today as your Lord and personal Savior . 1 John 5:4-8, John 3: 16-17.
If you are reading this text and your are not born again. If you are not born again it means you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Bible called it you are not safe. Hell exits and heaven exists! If you are not safe you are not safe, hell is real and heaven is real!
Therefore receive Jesus Christ today as your Lord and personal Saviour! Please say this prayer as you read: Lord Jesus I accept you today as my Lord and my personal Saviour, forgive me my sins, wash me in your blood! I believe you died for me on the cruss of calvary and on the third day you rose again that I might be delivered, transformed and redeemed. Right now I am saved, I am born again, I am a child of God. I am free from the pain of sins to serve God.
Thank you Jesus for saving me. Amen.